Postdoctoral Publications

13.  Deconvoluting Nonlinear Catalyst–Substrate Effects in the Intramolecular Dirhodium-Catalyzed C–H Insertion of Donor/Donor Carbenes Using Data Science Tools

Souza, L. W.; Miller, B. R.; Cammarota, R. C.; Lo, A.; Lopez, I.; Shiue, Y.-S.; Bergstrom, B. D.; Dishman, S. N.; Fettinger, J. C.; Sigman, M. S.*; Shaw, J. T.*  ACS Catal. 2024, 14, 104-115.

12.  Leveraging Regio- and Stereoselective C(sp3)–H Functionalization of Silyl Ethers to Train a Logistic Regression Classification Model for Predicting Site-Selectivity Bias

Boni, Y. T.; Cammarota, R. C.; Liao, K.; Sigman, M. S.*; Davies, H. M. L.* J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 15549-15561.

11.  A Mechanistically Guided Workflow for Relating Complex Reactive Site Topologies to Catalyst Performance in C−H Functionalization Reactions

Cammarota, R. C.; Liu, W.; Bacsa, J.; Davies, H. M. L.*; Sigman, M. S.* J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 1881-1898.

Doctoral Publications

10.  Toggling the Z-Type Interaction Off-On in Nickel-Boron Dihydrogen and Anionic Hydride Complexes

Prat, J. R.; Cammarota, R. C.; Graziano, B. J.; Moore, J. T.; Lu, C. C.* Chem. Commun. 2022, 58, 8798-8801.

9.  Bioinspired Nickel Complexes Supported by an Iron Metalloligand

Prat, J. R.; Gaggioli, C. A.; Cammarota, R. C.; Bill, E.; Gagliardi, L.; Lu, C. C.* Inorg. Chem. 2020, 59, 14251-14262.

8.  Thermodynamic and Kinetic Studies of H2 and N2 Binding to Bimetallic Nickel-Group 13 Complexes and Neutron Structure of a Ni(η2-H2) Adduct

Cammarota, R. C.; Xie, J.; Burgess, S. A.; Vollmer, M. V.; Vogiatzis, K. D.; Ye, J.; Linehan, J. C.; Appel, A. M.; Wang, X.; Hoffmann, C.; Young, V. G., Jr.; Lu, C. C.* 

Chem. Sci. 2019, 10, 7029-7042.     Highlighted in “Most Popular 2019-20 Inorganic and Main Group Chemistry” and "Spotlighting main group elements in polynuclear complexes".

7.  Reductive Disproportionation of CO2 Mediated by Bimetallic Nickelate(−I)/Group 13 Complexes

Vollmer, M. V.; Cammarota, R. C.; Lu, C. C.* Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2019, 2019, 2140-2145.

6.  Rationalizing the Reactivity of Bimetallic Molecular Catalysts for CO2 Hydrogenation

Ye, J.*; Cammarota, R. C.; Xie, J.; Vollmer, M. V.; Truhlar, D. G.; Cramer, C. J.; Lu, C. C.*; Gagliardi, L.* ACS Catal. 2018, 8, 4955-4968.

5.  Formal Nickelate(−I) Complexes Supported by Group 13 Ions

Vollmer, M. V.; Xie, J.; Cammarota, R. C.; Young, V. G., Jr.; Bill, E.*; Gagliardi, L.*; Lu, C. C.* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 7815-7819.

4.  A Bimetallic Nickel-Gallium Complex Catalyzes CO2 Hydrogenation via the Intermediacy of an Anionic d10 Nickel Hydride

Cammarota, R. C.; Vollmer, M. V.; Xie, J.; Ye, J.; Linehan, J. C.; Burgess, S. A.; Appel, A. M.; Gagliardi, L.; Lu, C. C.* J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 14244-14250.

3.  Leveraging Molecular Metal-Support Interactions for H2 and N2 activation

Cammarota, R. C.*; Clouston, L. J.; Lu, C. C.* Coord. Chem. Rev. 2017, 334, 100-111.

2.  Heterobimetallic Complexes that Bond Vanadium to Iron, Cobalt, and Nickel

Clouston, L. J; Bernales, V; Cammarota, R. C.; Carlson, R. K.; Bill, E.*; Gagliardi, L.*; Lu, C. C.* Inorg. Chem. 2015, 54, 11669-11679.

1.  Tuning Nickel with Lewis Acidic Group 13 Metalloligands for Catalytic Olefin Hydrogenation

Cammarota, R. C.; Lu, C. C.* J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 12486-12489.